Note To Self

Time spent in nature, constant recollections of a self-discovery pursuit to Italy & Paris is exhibited throughout Note To Self. Dialogues, arguments, and miscellaneous encounters have unified themselves and formed these aphorisms that have allowed me to gain a keen understanding of the time period we are in.
Note To Self is a "set of epiphanies” compiled over the course of 2020. Stepping back, digesting, and regurgitating the general consensus of what it means to live through this time. It is safe to say that we are unable to prepare for what we do not know. Living every day like it could be our last, we are left scrambling to fulfill our every whim by any means necessary, whether organic or inorganic... Merriam-Webster defines “love” as “passion” and “lust” as “greed”. On our daily quest, we are left with the underlying question as to which motive we are operating under.
The Flours Capsule Collection; initially introduced in 2017, attempts to juxtapose the connection of flowers and human nature. As a New Yorker, the volatile change of seasons accurately depicts the life cycle. Spring/Summer exudes a colorful cumulation of plantlife. The Fall/Winter places a dreary cloak over the city as the trees lose their leaves and once vibrant flowers begin to disappear. Human Nature is seasonal in a sense, where we keep growing throughout the seasons, Every single day lived is a day to grow. Flours embraces the notion of giving people their "flours" while they are still able to smell them. We are flowers blossoming, “watered” in a multitude of ways.
Photography Credit : Drummer